Michael Pollan以植物角度看世界

2011年12月26日 星期一

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2011年12月25日 星期日



Part 01

Part 02

Part 03

Part 04

Part 05

Part 06

Part 07

Part 08

Part 09

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

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2011/12/19 我們的島「野蠻遊戲」

2011年12月20日 星期二

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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巴奈+那布 也許有一天

2011年12月17日 星期六


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2011年12月15日 星期四

Part 1: 窮國供養富國的世界


Part 2: 台灣的九局下半!


Part 3: 中國第一,也許只是幻影


Part 4:美元展開反攻&投資人的九局下半

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2011年12月14日 星期三

300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds......

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2011年8月16日 星期二

演講人:郭華仁 (2010-11-28;全長2小時31分)

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「全台農民 重返凱道」記者會 廖本全教授之完整報告

2011年8月1日 星期一

拍攝緣由:補充採訪由捍衛農鄉聯盟與台灣農村陣線舉辦的「全台農民  重返凱道」記者會 廖本全教授之完整報告




PeoPo 公民新聞

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2011年7月26日 星期二



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20110718 有話好說:徵收良田為建設?農業何去何從?

2011年7月19日 星期二

土地正義VS.賣田賺錢 農民為何死守農田?

政大地政系主任 徐世榮
台灣農村陣線發言人 蔡培慧
台大農經系教授 林國慶
灣寶社區發展協會理事長 洪箱

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還我土地 第八號 (相思寮不賣 完整版)

2011年7月14日 星期四

還我土地 第八號

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2011年6月6日 星期一


PeoPo 公民新聞

竹南大埔張藥房-彭秀春女士:這是這輩子第三次被徵收了, 政府連僅存的六坪得以安身的家也要徵收去了!!!!!

從頭開始我就跟縣政府,公文來的時侯我就跟它講我說,我只剩下六坪了,我求你們能放過我嗎?我只剩下六坪是我的生活,我有去跟它們講,  沒有人要理我,就是沒有人要理我,真的是它們不會考量,你就是要拆,就是依法行政,就是公文一直來嘛,公文來的時候每天叭叭...那郵差就叫我蓋印章 (掛號信),手拿著就一直抖一直抖,反正公文就一直來我的土地...權狀...就變成縣政府的.

原文連結: http://www.peopo.org/portal.php?op=viewPost&articleId=84042

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糧食危機關鍵報告-彭明輝教授 5/24 在工研院的演說

2011年6月5日 星期日

看守世界研究中心(WorldWatch Institute)董事長克里斯多夫.弗雷文在《2009 世界的現況》專文〈世紀風暴〉說「目前幾乎可以確定,現在出生的小孩將會面臨由冷酷無情的暖化世界所造成困難重重的人生...糧食供應將會減少...滋養魚源的珊瑚礁面臨­崩潰,無論你住在北半球或是南半球,無論你是有錢人或是貧窮人。」人類社會是一個「糧食因果網絡(Web of causality for food)」,榮耀、成就與努力,終究要與糧食連結。當我們急於征服全世界,回頭卻發現糧草供應岌岌可危。

chientai 於 2011-05-24 上傳

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Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon expects serious inflation

2011年5月7日 星期六

Wal-Mart CEO: Serious, Rapid' Inflation Will Send Prices Soaring!!!

Thursday, 31 Mar 2011 12:34 PM

By Greg Brown

The one retailer prepared to cut costs to the bone to save money for consumers now warns that prices will rise very soon — no matter what. Retailers have generally managed to hold prices low despite rising raw materials costs. They had little choice: High U.S. unemployment and lack of credit has kept people out of stores. That's over, says Wal-Mart CEO Bill Simon. Prices will now rise across the board for all retailers, Wal-Mart included. He called the situation 「serious.」
"We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate," Simon told USA Today in a meeting with the newspaper's editorial board.
Consumer prices rose by 0.5 percent in February, while core inflation — minus food and energy — was up 0.2 percent. Consumer confidence fell by a sharp 8.6 points in March, reports The Conference Board, after climbing in February, in part on expectations of coming inflation.

Wal-Mart will try to keep things under control, Simon says. "We're in a position to use scale to hold prices lower longer ... even in an inflationary environment," he told USA Today. "We will have the lowest prices in the market."
That might be, but the prices for most goods could rise at nearly all stores, so Wal-Mart's efforts would end up relative to an across-the-board increase in the cost of living.
Driving the inflation debate is a difference among monetary policymakers regarding inflation. That discussion centers on the ideas of 「headline」 versus 「core」 inflation.
「Headline」 inflation represents the actual cost of a basket of goods and services the average American buys.
The 「core」 number strips out energy and food prices, which are more volatile — often hitting higher highs and lower lows — than the rest of the items involved in calculating the real cost of living.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has repeatedly stated that his focus will be on the second number, core, since in his view the Fed's role is to manage long-term trends in inflation, not monthly or quarterly spikes in food or energy.
The Fed is well down the path of its latest, controversial $600 billion program of easing monetary conditions by purchasing U.S. Treasury bonds. Markets fear that some of the Fed cash printed up to buy those bonds could end up in economy instead, drastically weakening the dollar.
Since commodities like food and oil are priced in dollars, that has led to at least some short-term speculation that the Fed will lose control of inflation entirely.
Accordingly, safe havens such as gold have touched new highs, recently trading at $1,459 an ounce. Oil is above $106 a barrel in the United States, and nearly $117 in European trading.
In turn, rising food prices have sparked riots around the world, an outcome Bernanke flatly dismisses as the Fed's responsibility. He has said that foreign central banks can control their own, local inflation using their own monetary policy, although it's clear that doing so would endanger exports for those countries and slow their growth.
A dissenting member of the Federal Reserve now scheduled to retire from the bank is repeating his long-held view that the Fed's easing policy is directly dangerous to Americans.
"If current policy remains in place, we almost certainly will stimulate the growth of asset values and inflation," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said Wednesday in a speech at the London School of Economics, reported Dow Jones Newswires.
"There are signs that the world is building new economic imbalances and inflationary impulses," Hoenig said. "The longer policy remains as it is, the greater the likelihood these pressures will build and ultimately undermine world growth."

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The Crash Course

2011年5月1日 星期日

Fasten your seat-belt......
The next 20 years are going to be completely unlike the last 20 years.

The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment (by Chris Martenson)

http://www.chrismartenson.com/crashcourse (watch FULL version)

Crash Course: Chapter 1 - Three Beliefs

Crash Course: Chapter 2 - The Three E's

Crash Course: Chapter 3 - Exponential Growth

Crash Course: Chapter 4 - The Power of Compounding

Crash Course: Chapter 5 - Growth vs. Prosperity

Crash Course: Chapter 6 - What is Money?

Crash Course: Chapter 7 - Money Creation

Crash Course: Chapter 8 - The Fed & Money Creation

Crash Course: Chapter 9 - A Brief History of U.S. Money

Crash Course: Chapter 10 - Inflation

Crash Course: Chapter 11 - How Much is a Trillion?

Crash Course: Chapter 12 - Debt

Crash Course: Chapter 13 - A National Failure to Save

Crash Course: Chapter 14 - Assets & Demographics

Crash Course: Chapter 15 - Bubbles

Crash Course: Chapter 16 - Fuzzy Numbers

Crash Course: Chapter 17a - Peak Oil

Crash Course: Chapter 17b - Energy Budgeting

Crash Course: Chapter 18 - Environmental Data

Crash Course: Chapter 19 - Future Shock

Crash Course - Chapter 20: What Should We Do?

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Preparing for Peak Oil

Chris Martenson on Financial Sense Newshour with Jim Puplava

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Chris Martenson on Budget, Corruption, Economy, Investing, Energy, Japan Nuclear Crisis

2011年4月30日 星期六

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Japan's Disaster: the Fallout Worsens

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Money As Debt 中文字幕版

2011年4月28日 星期四

由Paul Grignon製作的這部47分鐘的動畫片以簡單易懂的方式向我們展示了錢的本質和製造方法。你將瞭解你我所努力賺得的貨幣的價值,是如何長期遭到財團的操縱與政府的背叛......

Money As Debt 中文字幕版1

Money As Debt 中文字幕版2

Money As Debt 中文字幕版3

Money As Debt 中文字幕版4

Money As Debt 中文字幕版5

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  • 作者:彭明輝

  • 出版社:商周出版

    2011/3/27 南部開講-糧食危機


    2008/09/20 WTO系列講座三




    2008/05/26 沉默海嘯

    1. 稻米之國危機 菲律賓爆缺米

    2. 天災頻仍致糧損 生質燃料引糧荒

    3. 缺糧危機遍全球 上億人陷饑荒

    4. 米價節節升 耕者無其田

    5. 台灣自己不夠吃 大米援外暫喊停

    6. 稻米荒民眾慌 彌補錯誤政策

    7. 台灣黃豆靠進口 糧食危機隱若現

    8. 排擠畜產業糧食 糧荒問題趨嚴重

    9. 珍惜一粥一粒米 教育下一代惜福

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    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil

    2011年1月30日 星期日

    Peak Everything...

    Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World
    Michael C. Ruppert (Author) 

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 1 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 2 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 3 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 4 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 5 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 6 of 7

    Collapse - The End Of The Age Of Oil - PART 7 of 7 (2010 Update)

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