The Crash Course

2011年5月1日 星期日

Fasten your seat-belt......
The next 20 years are going to be completely unlike the last 20 years.

The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future Of Our Economy, Energy, And Environment (by Chris Martenson) (watch FULL version)

Crash Course: Chapter 1 - Three Beliefs

Crash Course: Chapter 2 - The Three E's

Crash Course: Chapter 3 - Exponential Growth

Crash Course: Chapter 4 - The Power of Compounding

Crash Course: Chapter 5 - Growth vs. Prosperity

Crash Course: Chapter 6 - What is Money?

Crash Course: Chapter 7 - Money Creation

Crash Course: Chapter 8 - The Fed & Money Creation

Crash Course: Chapter 9 - A Brief History of U.S. Money

Crash Course: Chapter 10 - Inflation

Crash Course: Chapter 11 - How Much is a Trillion?

Crash Course: Chapter 12 - Debt

Crash Course: Chapter 13 - A National Failure to Save

Crash Course: Chapter 14 - Assets & Demographics

Crash Course: Chapter 15 - Bubbles

Crash Course: Chapter 16 - Fuzzy Numbers

Crash Course: Chapter 17a - Peak Oil

Crash Course: Chapter 17b - Energy Budgeting

Crash Course: Chapter 18 - Environmental Data

Crash Course: Chapter 19 - Future Shock

Crash Course - Chapter 20: What Should We Do?

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